Our school is a secondary school where students from 14 years to 18 years oId study for waiter or cook.


May I introduce myself? I am Wim De Pue, a technical teacher in the
catering department of our school “St.-Niklaasinstituut” at Kortrijk,
Our school is a secondary school where students from 14 years to 18 years
oId study for waiter or cook.
They can choose between catering in collectivities (self-service,
hospital, school) and restaurant catering (training in kitchen as well as
After this 4-years course they can follow a specialisation of 1 year:
gastronomic kitchen, catering management and sommelier. More information
can be found on our website:

I would like to corporate with a catering school in a foreign country. As
we are visiting Barcelona from 23 to 27 april 2012 with 17 students of the
specialisation year gastronomic kitchen and catering management this could
be a good opportunity to make a first contact.
I hope your school is interested to corporate with us and look forward to
correspond with you!
Yours sincerely,

Wim De Pue
Technical teacher
Catering department St.- Niklaasinstituut
B-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
+32 56 22 33 21

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